
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 容忍之困難與可能的解決之道
卷期 28
並列篇名 Difficulties of Toleration and an Alternative Solution
作者 許漢
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 內容容忍人的容忍道德心理學合理性content-tolerationpeople-tolerationmoral psychologyreasonablenessTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200903


這篇論文基於容忍概念的分析以及解決容忍之困難的三種路徑對 容忍的說明與討論,來闡述容忍之困難是複雜的以及解決之道。這篇 論文針對學界在容忍之困難這個議題上所出現的一些頗為典型說法提 出一些分析與討論,這些分析與討論主要在指明他們的說法忽視了容 忍的內在複雜性所造成之困難,進而主張容忍之困難所涉及的層面是 更為深刻與複雜的心理因素,並闡述道德心理學之理路在化解容忍之 困難的可能性。本文藉助羅爾斯在政治自由主義裡對於道德心理學的 一些研究與說明,尤其是他所提的公民合理性的概念與要求,用意 在說明,這個道德心理學的理路提供了處理容忍之困難的一些新的思 考。


In this paper I will explore a fact that toleration is difficult in complicated ways and this explication will be made with analyses and discussions of the concept of toleration and three approaches to solving the difficulties of toleration. These approaches are quite typical and have been suggested by different scholars. I shall explain how two of them fail to do the work and explain how the third alternative, that is, the moral psychological approach comes to help. The crucial reason for emphasizing the important role of the moral psychological approach is that the psychological aspects of toleration, among other things, give rise to the complicated difficulties of toleration. I explain how the relevant work by John Rawls on moral psychology in political philosophy, especially his idea of the requirement of reasonableness, should shed new lights on the issue of toleration.
