
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 新經濟社會學的歷史考察:以鑲嵌的問題史為主軸(上)
卷期 29
並列篇名 A Historical Investigation of the New Economic Sociology: The Problematics of Embeddedness ( I )
作者 湯志傑
頁次 135-193
關鍵字 經濟社會學系統理論鑲嵌分化結構耦合結構╱施為後存有論economic sociologysystems theoryembeddednessdifferentiationstructural couplingstructure/agencypostontologyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200906


本文嘗試從知識社會學的角度對新經濟社會學做一歷史的考察, 指出它如何藉不斷改寫自身歷史此一劃界的動作,逐步鞏固為一個分 支領域,並相應地從多元的聲音變成單一的主旋律,聚焦於鑲嵌的問 題,從而在理論上遭遇到瓶頸。藉著與系統理論對話,本文指出應關 注的並非鑲嵌程度的問題,而是不同社會分化形式下各有何不同的鑲 嵌形式的問題。同時,要能正確地邁出這一步,要求有個後存有論的 觀念轉換’從徹底時間化了的元素的觀點重新思考結構/施為這個社 會學的核心問題。此外,唯有當社會學一一重新概念化如價格、市 場、貨幣、資本、勞動等核心的經濟概念,才有可能在此基礎上建構 一套真正的社會學經濟理論,與經濟學理論相匹敵。


This article investigates the history of the new economic sociology from the perspective of sociology of knowledge. I decipher how the new economic sociology consolidated as a sociological subfield by rewriting its history again and again. During delimiting its boundary again and again the multi-voices of the new economic sociology disappeared slowly. The problem of embeddedness became both the focus and the main theme. Consequently the new economic sociology was trapped in a theoretical stagnation. By way of a dialogue with systems theory I highlight the fact that the key issue is the different types of embeddedness in different forms of differentiation rather than the different levels of embeddedness as Granovetter suggested. To make such a breakthrough we need a post-ontological shift and to re-think the central sociological problem of “structure/agency” from the viewpoint of radically temporalised element. Besides, it is only possible to construct a true sociological theory of economy that could be a peer to the theory of economics after the sociology has reconceptualized the central economic concepts such as price, market, money, capital and labor.
