
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 跨越界線:高度現代性社會脈絡下公民身分領域界定之探討
卷期 29
並列篇名 Crossing Borders: An Analysis on the Boundaries of Citizenship in the High-modernity Social Context
作者 陳淑敏
頁次 095-134
關鍵字 公民身分高度現代性認同反思性Citizenshiphigh-modernityidentityreflexivityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200906


隨著社會思潮及制度的演變,公民身分的定義及其所涵蓋的內 容,從公民權、政治權、社會權乃至於文化權逐渐擴展和深化;而學 術研究或公共政策的討論,向來也約定俗成地將公民身分所應涵蓋的 權利、義務、責任等議題,限縮在公共領域範疇。然而,由於個體生 活、資訊科技和國家治理的交互影響下,個體的公民生活和情境呈現 出豐富的科技化、多元化和差異化之樣貌。此社會脈絡下,國家和社 會在界定或促進公民身分時,亟待重新思考「公民身分」所指涉的範 疇。亦即,面對走向高度現代性的社會脈絡下所形成的諸多嶄新情境 和挑戰,對於公民身分的內涵和指涉範疇,有必要在傅統公共領域的 基礎上,更進一步瞭解相關議題的變化。鑑此,本文所要探討的是, 高度現代性的社會脈絡下,個體公民身分面對種種的衝擊或矛盾之 處,在有關個體公民身分的實踐上,如何能夠兼顧公共責任及個體生 活之平衡。而有關平衡此兩難困境的可能出路上,本文試圖回歸到高 度現代性社會脈絡所考量的反思性上,分別從制度和個體兩方面,探 討個體公民身分跨越公共和私人領域界線的取徑,藉以凸顯公民身分 論述與實踐所關切的範疇,值得重新界定之想法。


With the advancement of citizenship, which has step by step expanded its definitions and contents from civil rights, political rights, social rights as well as cultural rights, it is believed that the debates and contexts of citizenship adhere to public spheres. The political reality and social facts, however, turn dramatically under the technology and media development. Anthony Giddens has entitled this kind society in terms of ‘high-modernity.’ Therefore, the shape or scope of the ‘Full Citizenship’ is faced with the challenges to redefine and re-deliberate in contemporary era. In viewing of the social movements, this article aims at analyzing the refine of the intents and implication in citizenship in the high-modernity social context. I consider that the citizenship extends to private spheres rather than limited in public spheres is critical for both individuals and collectives. The main issues of this paper are as followings. First, I describe the impacts of citizenship from the society movements. Afterwards, I highlight the conflicts between individual life plans and public responsibilities. Moreover, I point out the significant aspect of reflexivity as a plausible and reasonable approach to blend both public and private spheres into citizenship theory. What is disclosed in this paper holds to retain citizenship as a vital foundation for maintaining a democratic system and society.
