
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 掙脫語言的枷鎖?從Mikhail Bakhtin 論「表述」談起
卷期 30
並列篇名 Discarding the Shackles of Language?A Perspective from Mikhail Bakhtin on “Utterance”
作者 王孝勇
頁次 203-244
關鍵字 Bakhtin主體抵抗表述語言哲學對話主義Bakhtinsubjectresistanceutterancephilosophy of languagedialogismTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200909


本研究旨在引介俄國思想家Mikhail Bakhtin語言哲學中的「表 述」概念,並藉此重新回應與問題意識化「意義從何而來?」的 提問。首先’依據Bakhtin的語言哲學立場’本研究將說明他對於 Saussure符號學理論的批評,以及他如何藉此提出「表述」作為語 言哲學的核心命題。其次’本研究試圖探討Bakhtin如何以對話主義 建構「表述」的理論基礎’並進一步思考Bakhtin對於「表述」的說 法與Butler所提出的後結構主義主體理論之關聯性。本研究認為’ Bakhtin對「表述」對話性與社會性的說法,一方面使其理論較適合 用來詮釋意義產製與具體對話情境中,語言與人的關係;另一方面也 揭示出人類主體形構的過程中,既有某種程度的主體性,又從屬於某 些規則或規範的弔詭本質。


This essay attempts to rethink and re-problematize the question of “Where is meaning deriving from?” by introducing Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of “utterance.” Firstly, based on Bakhtin’s standpoint of philosophy of language, this essay examines his interrogation of Saussure’s semiology and mentions why “utterance” could be the core issue of Bakhtin’s theory. Secondly, it draws on “dialogism” to analyze how Bakhtin construct the inner sociality and dialogicity of “utterance,” by this way inspiring Butler’s poststructuralism furthermore. Last but not least, this essay argues that Bakhtinian standpoint is not only more suitable to state the relationship between language and a human being in the language process, but declare the paradoxical nature of subject formation, that is subjectivation/subordination.
