
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 倒讀《厲威也憚》:論霍布斯的弔詭及其可能的解決
卷期 31
並列篇名 A Reversal Reading of Leviathan:On Hobbes’s Paradoxes and Their Possible Solutions
作者 孫善豪
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 《厲威也憚》主權弔詭臣服耶穌是基督LeviathansovereigntyparadoxsubjectionJesus as ChristTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912


一般對霍布斯《属威也憚》的讀法都是從頭正面讀起:從人性到 自然狀態到國家建立……。但是依此順序,則會遇到各種弔詭:民主 弔詭、主權弔詭、建國弔詭等。為免除這種種弔詭,本文建議:應該 顛倒閱讀的順序:將上帝或耶穌作為主權者當作既予的或先驗的前 提,如此則各種弔詭才或許有可能迎刃而解。


The normal reading of Hobbes’s Leviathan is one that according to its own order: from the nature of man to the natural situation, then the
establishment of commonwealth......... In doing so one encounters several
paradoxes, including the paradox of democracy, sovereignty, and the establishment of state. In this article is suggested that this order should be reversed, so that the sovereignty as God or/and Jesus as Christ should be posited as a priori or at least as given. By this reversal reading, the above seeming paradoxes could all be solved.
