
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 語行行為與法規範的效力化
卷期 32
並列篇名 Illocutionary Acts and the Validation of Legal Norms
作者 顏厥安
頁次 065-091
關鍵字 話語行為語行行為展行語行力法效力法之效力化法律論證吻合方向建構詮釋社會結構能力承認speech actillocutionary actperformativeillocutionary forcelegal validityvalidation of legal normlegal argumentationdirection of fitconstructive interpretationsocial structurecapacityrecognitionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201003


本文主張,如果法理學要探究的是有關於法的概念或法的性質之 理論,那法理學就必須嘗試透過其哲學的分析來將此一任務與社會理 論衡接起來。由於這是一個非常複雜的問題,因此本文僅嘗試由一個 特定的理論觀點,也就是話語行為(speech act),特別是由瑟爾發展 的語行行為(illocutionary act)理論的角度’提供對此一問題的初步 考察。在第二部分中我將簡短說明話語行為理論,尤其是語行行為, 語行力等概念的要點。第三部分裡’我將以語行行為來分析幾個主 要的法理學理論立場。接著的第四部分,我將主張並論證,法效力 (legal validity )概念應該被「法之效力化」(legal validation )或「規 範之法效力化」(validate a norm as legal)概念所取代。此一效力化的 要素就是語行行為。在第五部分當中,我將設法說明,法律論證中的 建構詮釋是一種新類型的語行行為。特定的法權主體地位,往往都是 透過建構詮釋之語行行為,在解放與抗爭的過程中逐渐被確立的。在 這一部分當中,也初步顯示了此等理論與社會理論的關係。因此在第 六部分中,將簡短研討社會理論相關問題,其要點在於指出,社會結 構也是一種能力。社會結構的發展促使越來越多人擁有得以施行語行 行為的能力,且被承認其擁有此等的身分地位。最後一部分則是結 論。


In this essay I want to argue that, if the aim of legal theory is to investigate the concept or nature of law, then it should utilize philosophical analysis to achieve its objective by showing how legal theory is linked to social theory. Due to the complicated nature of this mission, in this study I will explore this question from one particular theoretical viewpoint, namely speech act theory, particularly the theory of the illocutionary act developed by John Searle.
In the second part the main elements of speech act theory will be explained briefly, including those concepts such as illocutionary act, illocutionary force etc. Next, I will analyze some legal theoretical positions by applying speech act theory, and then in the fourth part I will argue that we should instead attain legal validity by applying legal validation or validating a norm as legal. The chief element for this substitution is the illocutionary act.
In the fifth part I will try to show that constructive interpretation is a novel kind of illocutionary act. We often see how, through the process of emancipations and struggles, certain kinds of legal status have been established by performing illocutionary acts leading to constructive interpretation. The social theoretical implications of this theory are shown thus by such outcomes. In the sixth part I then discuss this implication further. The main idea is to point out that social structure is also a kind of capability to enable more and more people to perform illocutionary acts and have their new status recognized through this process.
