
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 政治理論與歷史現實:唐恩的政治懷疑主義析論
卷期 34
並列篇名 Political Theory and Historical Reality:A Reconstruction of Dunn’s Political Scepticism
作者 曾國祥
頁次 095-143
關鍵字 唐恩洛克政治懷疑主義普遍主義實踐理性現代國家政治判斷John DunnJohn LockePolitical ScepticismUniversalismPractical ReasonModern SatePolitical JudgmentTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201009


沿著唐恩晚近引述洛克的懷疑觀點來反思「政治理解」之本質的 線索,本文旨在深入探討唐恩的政治懷疑主義。因受洛克的影響,唐 恩的懷疑主義探取近代溫和的形式,也就是說,唐恩雖然反對各種普 遍原則,但並未揚棄歷史價值的重要性。藉著將歷史現實帶進政治理 解中,唐恩一再強調政治理論的任務,在於診斷當前的實踐困境,並 通過表述在一個歷史化的實踐世界中進行判斷的「好的理由」,來向 公民行動者展示克服這些困境的最好方式。就此而言,唐恩試圖建構 一套完備之政治理解策略的努力,尤其是結合因果事實、道德價值與 政治判斷的作法,實有超越邏輯實證主義之侷限的重大意義。因此, 著手重建唐恩之實踐理性理論及其構成要素:歷史脈絡、人類利益與 審慎判斷,有其方法論上的正當性與必要性。藉此重建,作者將在結 論中以「人權政治」為例,嘗試歸納普遍主義的四項缺失:歐洲中心 主義、欠缺歷史意識、缺乏對現代國家結構的認識以及誤解現代政治 的本質。


Drawing on Professor John Dunn’s recent quest for political understanding by reference to Locke’s sceptical vision, this paper aims to approach his comprehension of “political scepticism”. Largely influenced by Locke, Dunn’s scepticism actually takes the modern mitigated form, meaning that although he sets out to discard “universal principles”, he does not reject the importance of “historical values”. And so, by bringing historical reality into focus, Dunn keeps arguing that the task of political theory is to diagnose practical predicaments and to show civil agents how best to confront them by articulating “good reasons to act” in a historically given practical world. Seen in this light, Dunn’s effort to establish an integral approach to understanding politics in the sense of accounting simultaneously for causality, values and judgment, has made huge strides towards transcending the limitations of logical-positivism. And consequently, it is methodologically legitimate and essential for the author to reconstruct Dunn’s theory of practical reasoning in terms of three key elements: historical context, human interests and prudence. Based on this reconstruction, in the conclusion I am going to summarize the shortcomings of universalism in terms of the “politics of human rights”: Euro-centrism, the lack of historicity, the ignorance of the structure of modern state, and the misunderstanding of the nature of modern politics.
