
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 魯曼的溝通運作:一個去人文主義化的轉向
卷期 36
並列篇名 The Operation of Communication in Luhmann’s Theory: A De-humanistic Shift
作者 阮曉眉
頁次 001-037
關鍵字 去主體去人文主義雙重偶連性魯曼de-Subjectivationde-Humanismdouble contingencyNiklas LuhmannTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201103


社會學的形成就某種程度而言,是基於對康德超驗主體(das transzendentale Subjekt)的反省,這促成了社會學對主體的第一波解構運動。然而,在社會學的持續發展中,逐渐形成第二波的激進解構 主體的運動,亦即一種去人文主義化(Dehumanisierung)的取徑。 兩者雖然都修正或否認了康德超驗主體的有效性,然而,前者還是接 受一種主要由人來引導的實踐概念,而後者則認為實踐不必然與個人 心理動機或意圖相符應,而是具有自成一格的運作邏輯。這第二波運 動的要旨是:實際發生在具體情境裡的運作或行動,並無法簡單的歸 因於意志、心理動機或者自由等等的人類內在性。換言之,主體及其 相關同等項無法再作為實踐的推動基礎;相應於此,個體也無法作 為社會的基本元素。本文主要以魯曼(Niklas Luhmann)作為討論對 象,嘗試從其理論中所揭露的兩個論點來闡述其去人文主義化的觀 點,亦即:(1)「雙重偶連性情境不是行動的阻礙,而是行動的前提 假設」,以及(2)與之相關的「溝通過程的非對稱性關係」。接著將 論述去人文主義化的取徑對實在的看法,這個取徑將關注焦點從本 質的存有轉向經驗的實在,亦即不是直接追問「什麼」,而是探取從 「如何」著手以獲得「什麼」的取徑,並且強調社會現實在被選擇實 踐出來之前的不確定性及不可規定性一即使實踐最後通常都符合社 會的期待框架。最後,我將討論在去人文主義化觀點下,具暫時性質 的實踐與相對穩定的結構間的關係。


The emergence and development of sociology is a response to and critique of Kant’s idea of the transcendental subject. This leads to the first wave of de-subjectivation. The second wave of de-subjectivation, a de-humanistic approach, has gradually been established with the continuous development of sociology. Both approaches reject the validity of Kant’s idea of the transcendental subject. The difference is that while the first wave still promotes a human-oriented practice, the second one argues that the practice has its own logic and can work without a subject’s intention and motive. In this article, I discuss Luhmann’s theory in respect of the de-humanistic approach from two perspectives: First, that the context of double contingency is not seen as an obstacle of an action but as a requirement; secondly, that interaction or communication is an asymmetric, dynamic process. Following this, the idea of reality from the de-humanistic perspective will be the focus of discussion. The substantial being elucidated in this approach will be transformed into an empirical and temporal practice. Finally, I explore the relationship between temporal practice and relative stable structure.
