
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 左派政治發展的邏輯─理查‧羅蒂論20 世紀美國左派
卷期 37
並列篇名 The Logic of Leftism in American: Richard Rorty on American Leftism in 20 Century
作者 鄭維偉
頁次 127-159
關鍵字 改良左派新左派馬克思主義福柯全球化Reformist LeftismNew LeftMarxismFoucaultGlobalizationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201106


羅蒂是二戰後美國最有影響力的哲學家之一。他對美國左派歷史 的描述,展現了左派政治光譜的複雜性。改良左派希望通過啟動美國 憲政結構來化解社會衝突,改善底層的經濟狀況。知識份子的獨特優 勢在於擔當上層與底層之間溝通的管道。不過,新左派破壞了這一傅 統。他們向美國制度本身開火,把美國描述為道德侏儒,希望通過顛 覆人與人之間普遍存在的施虐心理來讓下層民眾獲得尊嚴。他們斷絕 了與工會的聯繫,崇尚書齋裏的文化革命。在全球化背景下,羅蒂期 望新左派能拋棄將社會問題理論化的趨勢,重新建立與工會的聯繫, 共同致力於民眾生活的改善。


Richard Rorty is one of the most influential American philosophers after World War II. In order to demonstrate the complexity of political genealogy of the left, he re-narrates the history of American leftism. The Reformist leftist wishes to revive social conflict and improve economical situation of the working class by making the constitution function properly. The contribution of the intellectuals is acting as the medium between the top and the bottom classes. Rorty highlights that the New Left destroys this tradition. They attack American institution fiercely and portray it as morally defective. They believe that the working class can acquire dignity by eliminating the psychology of maltreat. They also break the relationship with labor union and worship a sort of cultural revolution. Rorty believes that the New Left must abandon the indulgence in theorizing social problems, and work with labor unions to improve the well-being of the disadvantaged.
