
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 人權於公平與公正待遇中的規範向度與效度:全球行政法方法論的建構
卷期 38
並列篇名 The Normative Dimension and Efficacy of Human Rights in the Fair and Equitable Treatment: The Construction of a Methodology of Global Administrative Law
作者 王自雄
頁次 141-200
關鍵字 人權國際投資公平與公正待遇全球行政法全球治理財產權保障規範向度動態分析方法論human rightsinternational investmentfair and equitable treatment global administrative law global governanceproperty protectionnormative dimensiondynamic process analysismethodologyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201109


國際投資法的核心,是保障外國人在地主國的投資財產,這曾經 是一條挹注國際人權運動的泉源。之後,國際人權運動將人權實證法 化,並課予國家保障人權的義務。因此,地主國對外國投資人所實施 的管制措施背後,不但能夠,而且也應該是以人權保障為政策目的。 古典國際法對於外人投資下的人權保障議題,多以「國際人權法」與 「國際投資法」這樣的二元論來觀察與詮釋。對此,本文嘗試提出一 種不同的觀點。透過觀察公平與公正待遇的國際實踐,本文發現,起 源於地主國管制措施的人權保障議題,其核心是公平與公正待遇與地 主國行政法間的互動,而人權的意涵則貫穿其間。這個經由觀察所得 到的假設,需要透過方法論的建構與應用來證明其為真。首先,因為 人權保障的議題是發生在國際投資的背景下,所以必須從公平與公正 待遇的實踐中檢證是否存在人權的規範向度。人權在當中必須具備系 統性與可預測性,才能進一步利用動態的分析方法,探究規範效度在 具體個案中的強弱大小。公平與公正待遇與地主國行政法間的持續互 動與反饋,即有可能形成一個以人權為基礎的全球行政法,並在全球 治理的理念下,照亮憲政暗區並填補規範真空。如此一來,對於所有 那些非一國法體系所能規範的法律關係一如同前國際法院法官傑賽 普所提出的跨國界法(或稱超國界法),本文希望能提供一個理論架 構,並期待形成一個能夠因應新時代挑戰的國際法。


The protection of foreign investment has been a vital resource of international human rights movement, which led to positivized the human rights obligations of states. Therefore, human rights have been established as the policy purpose behind the regulatory measures undertaken by host states. Under classical international law, this issue was interpreted as a conflict between two lex specialis—“international human rights law” and “international investment law”. This article attempts to establish a different perspective. After discussing some arbitration practices of the fair and equitable treatment, the article contends that the focus is rather the interaction between the treatment of the administrative law of host states, as both share human rights obligations. This perspective is validated by means of methodological construction. Although the human rights issues occur in the context of international investment, there is a need to verify the existence of normative dimension of human rights in the fair and equitable treatment. The discourse on human rights can be systematized by the verification of existence of its normative dimension. Through the static verification of normative dimension and dynamic analysis of efficacy, the global administrative law (the GAL) based on human rights is a likely outcome derived from the continuous interaction and feedback between the treatment and the administrative law of host states. In the area of global governance, the GAL could function to lighten up the
“constitutional penumbra” and fill up the normative vacuum. Thus, with
regards to all relationships which do not belong to domestic legal system, this article contributes to the enterprise of theorizing international law in a new era.
