
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 算數正義與幾何正義的辯證:馬克思正義觀的一個詮釋
卷期 38
並列篇名 Dialectics of Arithmetical and Geometrical Justice:An Interpretation of Marx’s Conception of Justice
作者 孫善豪
頁次 095-140
關鍵字 幾何的/算數的正義社會的/個人的正義盧卡斯金里卡卡斯托里亞第斯馬克思JusticeMarxismLukesKymlickaCastoriadisTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201109


從「富士康跳樓事件」可以引發一個問題:工人爭取提高工資的 鬥爭,需要或不需要道德訴求?馬克思在這個問題上的立場,又可以 引發出各種不同的解釋。在各種不同的解釋中,「何謂剝削」的根本 問題卻是始終沒有被觸及的。本文藉由對盧卡斯、金里卡與卡斯托里 亞第斯的討論,指出過去馬克思主義者在討論此問題上的限制,並區 分出算數、幾何、社會、個人四個生產與分配的面向,以期藉由此區 分、以及其間之辯證關係,闡明馬克思對於正義之想法。


The facts of the Foxconn-events have revealed a vital problem: Is it necessary to appeal morality when there are struggles for raising salary? Marx’s position on this question is so ambiguous that it could encompass entirely different interpretations. I contend that in all these interpretations there is a persistent lack of an adequate conception of “exploitation.” Thus, this article attempts to solve this problem by examining the theories of Lukes, Kymlicka and Castoriadis in order to indicate the inadequacies of contemporary Marxist discourses. This article distinguishes the geometrical justice from arithmetical justice, and social justice from individual justice, so as to illustrate the dialectics of these elements. I contend that Marx’s conception of justice would be clarified in this way.
