
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 Mikhail Bakhtin 的對話主義及其對批判論述分析的再延伸:以白玫瑰運動為例
卷期 40
並列篇名 Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism and its Re-extension to Critical Discourse Analysis: The White Rose Movement as a Case
作者 王孝勇
頁次 149-202
關鍵字 巴赫汀白玫瑰運動存在事件再意義化批判論述分析對話主義Mikhail Bakhtinthe White Rose MovementBeing-as-eventresignificationcritical discourse analysisdialogismTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201203


本研究旨在從Mikhail Bakhtin的對話主義對批判論述分析進行 理論與應用層面的再延伸。首先,透過閱讀「存在事件」與「言語互 動」等概念,本研究指出日常性語言的脈絡化與主體化特質替對話主 義提供了理論基礎。其次,藉由分析白玫瑰運動再意義化的語言過 程,本研究發現日常性語言本身即存在著意識形態鬥爭的潛力,而 Bakhtin的對話主義則有助於提出一個聚焦於語言形式及其動態整體 過程的互動模式批判論述分析架構,用以分析當代社會文化中諸多周 旋頡颃的話語實踐與行動。


This paper aims to re-extend the theory and application of critical discourse analysis (CDA) by referring to Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism. First, it read the concept of “Being-as-event” and “verbal interaction”, and argued that the character of contextualization and subjectivation of ordinary language should be regarded as the theoretical background for dialogism. Second, it analyzed the language process of resignification of the White Rose Movement, and explored the hidden possibility of ideological political struggle intrinsic into ordinary language. Based on the research findings, this paper concluded that Bakthin’s dialogism not only contributes to propose an analytical framework of an interaction model to CDA which focuses on form of language and its moments, but also it could be appropriately used to analyze the bottom-up speech act and action in contemporary socio-cultural context.
