
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 科學、技術與自由民主政治秩序的變遷:近代美國政治體制的科學意識型態與現實政治
卷期 42
並列篇名 Science, Technology, and the Transformation of Liberal-democratic Political Order: Modern American Scientific Ideology and Political Experience
作者 張國暉
頁次 153-205
關鍵字 自由民主科技研究政治秩序科技官僚美國政治liberal democracyscience and technology studiespolitical ordertechnocracyco-productionAmerican politicsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201209


本文透過新興的科學及技術研究(science and technology studies, STS)領域’鎖定科學、技術與政治體制變遷的互動關係’簡介科學 是如何藉由其實驗主義,從17世紀開始補充及強化自由民主政治體 制的經驗發展及政治理論。本文也分析科學及技術在20世紀後是如 何藉由自身內在的政治價值,而另外產生出一種具有科學及技術理念 的政治體制意識型態及現實政治藍圖,進而挑戰自由民主政治制度。 然而,自由民主政治體制卻又能另以相關政治機制,有效消解這些基 於科學及技術之政治價值及論述的威脅。此外,本文亦指出20世紀 後,因科學及技術發展所造成的政治問題,卻不斷地讓自由民主政 治體制產生停滯、失靈,甚至是政治內爆的情形。但本文的主要發現 是,拋棄自由民主體制來解決這些難題恐不是可行的途徑。反之,透 過分析近年STS研究成果,進一步地精緻調整自由民主政治體制’ 應能有效消解由科學及技術所帶來各層次的政治難題考驗。


After reviewing the role of science in the transformation of liberal-democratic order since the seventeenth century, this paper investigates how it worked with technology to help construct another political ideology that began to jeopardize the order in the early twentieth century. This political ideology, which also could be termed “the republic of science and technology,” was even to raise a political movement to advocate its ideal political vision in terms of technocracy in the United States of America in the 1920s and 1930s. However, not only were science and technology incapable of building a different political order from liberal democracy, but they even created some serious political and social problems brought by their fast development. In light of the fruitful and useful knowledge produced by the emerging discipline of science and technology studies, this paper argues that liberal democracy should still be an appropriate institution to deal with the more and more complicated and nuanced politics relevant to science and technology. However, it needs to be improved over time. By working with political sociologists and political scientists, the field of science and technology studies could make some more contribution to help and solidify liberal democracy.
