
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 從合法性、平等到人性尊嚴:論德沃金法哲學的道德基礎
卷期 43
並列篇名 From Legality, Equality to Human Dignity:On the Moral Foundation of Ronald Dworkin’s Legal Philosophy
作者 莊世同
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 德沃金法哲學法理論法律合法性整全性平等人性尊嚴內在價值Ronald Dworkinlegal philosophylegal theorylawlegalityintegrityequalityhuman dignityintrinsic valueTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201212


本文以德沃金晚近的法哲學理論為研究對象,嘗試對其理論的道 德基礎,即從合法性、平等到人性尊嚴三個政治道德價值,進行分析 考察與檢討反省。第二節介紹德沃金近來對法律的概念提出的類型區 分,分析合法性價值作為法律之重要政治道德價值的理論意涵;第三 節考察德沃金合法性價值觀的實質內涵’即整全性(integrity)與平 等(equality)的政治道德價值;第四節進一步探討,德沃金以合法 性、整全性及平等作為其法哲學理論的道德基礎,實際上是立基於一 個更根本、但也饒富爭議的論述上,亦即他對於「人性尊嚴原則」的 論述;第五節審視人性尊嚴原則在德沃金法哲學理論的關鍵地位,並 檢討該論述所衍生出來的關於人是否有內在客觀價值的哲學爭議,同 時提出一些初步的檢討與省思;最後,第六節除簡要總結本文論點 外,也將概述德沃金對法律與道德之關係的最終看法。


This essay attempts to explore and reflect the moral foundation of Ronald Dworkin’s legal philosophy, that is, the political moral values from legality, equality to human dignity. Part 2 will introduce Dworkin’s recent argument about different concepts of law and analyze the theoretical implication that treats legality as an important political moral value of law. Part 3 examines the substantive content of legality, i.e., the political moralities of integrity and equality. Part 4 argues that, the moral foundation of Dworkin’s legal philosophy not only lies in the values of legality, integrity, and equality, it is also grounded on a more fundamental but controversial argument, namely, the argument about the principles of human dignity. Accordingly, Part 5 will further investigate the philosophical debate derived from the argument of human dignity. It is the debate about whether each person has an intrinsic value of life. Finally, Part 6 will briefly summarize the points of this essay and generally sketch Dworkin’s concluding claim about the relation of law and morality.
