
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 全球化風險挑戰下發展型國家之治理創新─以台灣公民知識監督決策為分析
卷期 44
並列篇名 Governance Innovation of Developmental State under the Globalized Risk Challenges—Burgeoning Civil Knowledge on Risk Policy Supervision in Taiwan
作者 周桂田
頁次 065-148
關鍵字 治理創新創新遲滯僵局風險治理反身性治理全社會學習社會創新governance innovationinnovative delayhung risk governancereflexive governancesocietal learningsocial innovationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201303


本文從全球化風險威脅產生之鉅變角度,探討如何透過治理典範 與制度創新,來引領國家與社會朝向系統性的的變革,以促進快速變 遷之轉型社會朝向不斷學習的、創新的、參與的發展。作者檢視我國 政府治理在發展型國家歷史形構中之轉型能耐的弔詭,並指出專家政 治在當今全球化科技與風險不確定性下之決策困境。尤其,透過近年 來四個重大政策爭議案例之類型化整理,可以看到,公民認識論在目 前我國治理創新的重要性:為確保決策的正當性與挽回公眾的信任, 政府應當重新審視風險不確定性下之風險分配與社會公平,並建構透 明、開放、民主參與的風險溝通機制將強健的社會監督能量一公民 知識與價值論述納入決策的機制。最後,從引介主要國際組織與國家 之科技治理典範與制度變革,作者建議政府應從價值、制度與實踐進 行系統性的治理變革,透過擬定科技治理白皮書、修訂科技基本法、 建立科技對社會影響評估機制來確立治理創新的制度路徑。特別是重 大的議題上,政府在政策研議、政策可行性評估、政策執行三階段需 即刻進行透明的風險溝通變革,以重構政府與社會共同對抗全球化風 險威脅挑戰之夥伴關係,同時彌補過去我國創新遲滯造成的僵局治理鴻溝。


Based on the perspective of global risk threats, this paper probes into how, by the innovation of regulatory paradigms and institutions, could a country and society moves toward a systemic reform into learned, innovative and participative development from a rapidly changing society. The author not only examines the paradox of our government’s transformative capacity that under the historical construction’s developmental state, but also points out the dilemma of decisionmaking of technocracy in contemporary global with the uncertainties of technology and risk. Especially, through classification of four recent policy controversies, we could see the importance of civil epistemology: for assuring the legitimacy of decision-making and retrieving the trust of public, the government should re-examines the risk distribution and the social fair under uncertain risk. Also, constructs a transparent, democratic participatory communication mechanism of risk to include the robotic social surveillance-civil knowledge and value discourses, into decisionmaking mechanism.
Finally, by introducing the governance paradigms of technology and institutional reforms from major international organizations and countries, the author suggests that the government should start up form values, institutions and practices to a systemic governance reform. We should study up the governance of technology on a white paper, revise the basic technology law and build the mechanism of social impact assessment of technology to establish the institutional approach of governance
innovation. Particularly on important issues, the government should immediately operates an open reform on the risk of communication in the steps of policy discussions, policy feasibility assessments and policy executions, to re-build the partnership between the government and the society on facing global risk threats and challenges, and recuperates hung governance gap caused by innovative delay.
