
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 Robert Jackson 的「全球共約」理論與伯林的價值多元主義:兼論國際關係英倫學派的古典途徑
卷期 45
並列篇名 Robert Jackson’s “Global Covenant” and Isaiah Berlin’s Value Pluralism: A Study on the English School’s Classical Approach to International Relations Theory
作者 葉浩
頁次 111-173
關鍵字 英倫學派多元主義團合主義國際社會人道干預詮釋性規範理論English Schoolpluralismsolidarisminternational societyhumanitarian interventioninterpretative normative theoryTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201306


強調國際社會的英倫學派近年來成為國際關係理論的主流學派之 一 ’向來有「多元主義」與「圑合主義」路線之爭。Robert Jackson 的《全球共約》(The Global Covenant: Human Conduct in a World of States)乃多元主義路線近年來的公認鉅著’不僅旨在捍衛英倫學派 的古典方法論,同時也藉由援引伯林的後設倫理學主張「價值多元主 義」來深化該路線的哲學基礎。
本文將指出’ Jackson實際上並未準確掌握價值多元主義與英倫 學派多元主義路線的理論親近性,因此,所提出的全球共約理論不僅 違背伯林的思想精神,同時也偏離了英倫學派的方法論。藉由分析 Hedley Bull關於方法論的著作’本文首先闡釋英倫學派古典途徑的 「詮釋性規範理論」特色,以及「國際社會」基本概念,並且指出該 學派在理論傅承上所具有的創造性轉化特色。以此理解為基礎,本文 將解釋Jackson如何運用歐克秀與伯林的思想’ 一方面實踐英倫學派 的方法論,另一方面對於「國際社會」和「多元主義」兩個概念進行 改造。隨後,本文將聚焦於《全球共約》一書如何介入英倫學派的路 線之爭,捍衛多元主義路線,並且指出當前兩條路線正在朝向處方性 政治哲學理論發展的趨勢。最後則進一步指出全球共約理論如何同時 背離英倫學派的古典途徑方法論及伯林的價值多元主義之精神,也會 提出Jackson尚未注意到所存在於Bull與伯林之間的親近性。


The English School of international relations has recently become a mainstream theory in the field. It is characterized by an emphasis on international society, as well as the debates between the school’s solidarist and pluralist members. Robert Jackson’s Global Covenant is generally considered to be a major contribution to the pluralist strand, in that it not only defends the school’s classic approach to theorizing but also grounds the pluralist vision of international society on a philosophically sophisticated foundation derived from Isaiah Berlin’s meta-ethical value pluralism.
This article argues that Jackson does not fully grasp the affinities between value pluralism and English School, and therefore his theory of global covenant deviates from both the spirit of Berlin’s political thought and the school’s methodology. By analyzing Hedley Bull’s writings, it will first explicate the “interpretative-normative” nature of the English School’s Classical Approach, as well as the fundamental idea of “international society”, and it will indicate the tendency for creative transformation in the way members of the school implement thisapproach. With this understanding in place, this article will explain how Jackson employs the thoughts of Michael Oakeshott and Isaiah Berlin to, on the one hand, practices the School’s methodology, and on the other hand transforms the idea of “international society” and “pluralism”. Thereafter, it focuses on how The Global Covenant enters the School’s internal debates and defends its pluralism. Also will be indicated is a trend towards prescriptive
SOCIETAS: A Journal for Philosophical Study of Public Affairs

political philosophy in both the solidarist and the pluralist camp. In the end, this article will spell out how the theory of global covenant deviates from both the School’s Classical Approach and the spirit of Berlin’s value-pluralism. And in doing so, some affinities between Bull and Berlin will also be identified.
