
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 從「道地」到「對道地的想像」:媒介社會中一種社會自我觀察的可能起點
卷期 46
並列篇名 From “Authenticity” to the “Imagination of Authenticity”: An Alternative Point of Departure for Society’s Self-Observation
作者 劉育成曹家榮
頁次 037-079
關鍵字 道地不道地地方媒介社會加速透明社會authenticityinauthenticityplacemedia societyaccelerationtransparent societyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.3966/168451532013090046002


何謂「道地」(authenticity ) ?「道地」(或不道地)的論述又是 從何而來?如果道地與否關乎的是主觀戚受’而非客觀標準的話’那 麼試圖從客觀角度來檢視道地與否的問題具有何種意涵?如果僅將道 地與否簡化為社會建構的產物,那麼我們如何理解人類社會從古至今 在不斷想要釐清、爭辯、解決道地與否之問題上的努力?本文將從 Charles Taylor對「本真性」的討論出發’輔以班雅明、David Harvey 等人的論述’最後則以Vattimo有關「透明社會」的討論,試圖論 述以下觀點:這個時代也許不需要「道地」,我們只需要有對道地的 「想像」。本文也將論述,日常生活社會本身具有的道地性,在速度 吊詭所開展的辯證過程中,也加深、增廣了對道地之想像的需要。更 甚者,社會越是有對道地進行觀察與描述的需要,就越有可能生產出 不道地的論述,並且透過不道地的論述來認識道地性。假如社會中不 存在純然的道地性,或者我們不再有機會觸及道地性,為什麼我們仍 必須將其視為日常生活與社會中重要的面向?我們對道地的想像又是 如何關連於社會對自身的觀察與描述呢?


What is “authenticity”? Why do we need “authenticity”? How do people know whether it is authentic or not? The questions mentioned above are concerned with the relationships between people, people and society, and connect closely to how people and society understand themselves. The experience of authenticity/inauthenticity implies not only subjective knowing but also objective formation and understanding of it. This essay examines the concept of authenticity and its opposite, and suggests an alternative to access it. Through the lens of Charles Taylor, Walter Benjamin, David Harvey, we extract some shared thoughts among their discussion of the concept of authenticity/inauthenticity. At the last part of this article we suggest that, pace Gianni Vattimo’s questioning of the “transparency” of modern/media society, there is no need to find or to testify “authenticity”, rather there exists and requires only the “imagination” of it. To a great extent influenced by technological advancements it is not unnecessary to access authenticity, instead the requirement of it has been broadens and deepens than ever before. The more we need to pursue authenticity, the more we fall into the production of inauthentic discourses. This will be another starting point in understanding how modern society describes and observes itself.
