
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A case of Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Associated with Sarcoidosis
卷期 33:4
作者 Shiue-Wei LaiYi-Ming ChangWann-Cherng Perng
頁次 217-220
關鍵字 lung adenocarcinomamalignancysarcoidosisMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201308



Sarcoidosis, a systemic granulomatous disease of undetermined etiology, is characterized by variable clinical presentation and course. Although sarcoidosis and lung cancer are both frequently encountered pulmonary diseases, their simultaneous occurrence in the same patient is unusual. The causal relationship between the two diseases remains unclear, and the concurrence can cause a diagnostic dilemma and make preoperative staging difficult. We report a case of concurrent sarcoidosis with lung cancer who was initially diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis.

