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篇名 我國與南韓人口販運防制工作之比較硏究
卷期 3
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on Human Trafficking Prevention between Taiwan and South Korea
作者 高瑞鍾謝文忠高瑞新
頁次 131-150
關鍵字 人口販運台灣南韓Human traffickingTaiwanSouth Korea
出刊日期 201303


本文之目的在於藉由比較台灣與南韓在人口販運中的問題,及從兩國對於人口販 運的起訴、保護與預防對策中,分析我國現存的問題或困境,同時藉由吸取南韓經驗, 為我國在人口販運防制工作研擬出前瞻性措施。
本文藉由文獻分析法,進行我國與南韓在人口販運中的現行問題比較,同時借鏡 南韓在美國之人口販運報告中,連續11年獲得第一級之人口販運防制經驗,以研擬可 供我國效法之處。研究後發現:強化主管外勞聘僱及權益保障機關,以及推動婦女權 益機關之組織定位問題;強化兒童與少年人口販運之防制宣導將外勞聘僱機制改採為 直聘模式,及以實證科學之態度與實地調查之方式,建構反人口販運之可行對策...等 措施是值得我國學習之處。


The purpose of this study is to compare currently encountered problems on human trafficking between Taiwan and South Korea and strategies on prosecution, protection and prevention these two countries adopted for combating human trafficking. The authors analyzed problems and difficulties presently faced by Taiwan, and formulated visionary human trafficking prevention measures for Taiwan based on South Korea’s experience.
This study adopted literature analysis for comparing current human trafficking problems between Taiwan and South Korea. The authors also referred to South Korea’s achievement in the U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report because the country has been rated as Tier 1 in human trafficking prevention for eleven consecutive years, which is worth learning for Taiwan. This study has found the following measures useful. First, it is important to strengthen governmental agencies administrating employment of foreign workers and protecting their equity, as well as to position organizations promoting women’s equity. Second, it is important to enhance dissemination and promotion of child and juvenile human trafficking prevention. Third, the employment permit system of foreign worker should be modified to direct employment. Fourth, an empirical scientific attitude as well as a field study approach should be adopted for establishing feasible anti- human trafficking policies.
