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篇名 節慶活動參與動機、價值體驗、滿意度、行為 意圖之研究一以金門中秋博狀元餅活動為例
卷期 3
並列篇名 The Research on the Relationship among the Participating Motivation, Experiential Value, Satisfaction , Behavioral Intention: Taking Kinmen Mid-Autumn Festival as an Example
作者 張梨慧
頁次 069-082
關鍵字 節慶活動參與動機體驗價值滿意度行為意圖Special EventsParticipating MotivationExperiential ValueSatisfactionBehavioral Intention
出刊日期 201303


今曰節慶活動已成為主要推廣觀光的一種模式,國家、城市、社區皆舉辦節慶活 動增加觀光效益。在金門地區,中秋狀元博餅為自古流傳之習俗文化,近年來因政府 為提倡這早期的民間遊戲而漸漸地使博狀元餅的活動蓬勃發展起來。中秋狀元博餅於 2008年起由中國大陸文化部入選為國家及非物質文化遺產,轉變成金廈兩岸的交流活 動,藉此已成了一種跨越國際的節慶活動。本研究目的旨在建構並驗證節慶活動參與 者「參與動機、體驗價值、滿意度以及後續行為意圖之互相影響關係」,瞭解期間之因 果關係,並提供節慶活動之主辦單位在未來決策上之活動規劃。本研究以參與博狀元 餅之參與、觀看者為研究對象,於中秋狀元博餅活動期間發放問卷,共獲得有效問卷 1664份。本研究之貢獻即在於應用結構方程式分析參與動機、體驗價值、滿意度與行 為意圖等之理論模式,證實這些變數之間確實存有相關性。尤其本研究也發現在本案 例的節慶活動參與動機對行為意圖有正向且直接效果影響關係,參與動機透過體驗價 值也顯著影響行為意圖,參與動機透過滿意度也顯著影響行為意圖,但相較之下發現 參與動機對行為意圖的影響透過體驗價值比透過滿意度的影響較為重要。


Festivals are the fastest growing tourism project, and become the new trend of tourism development. Festival program relieving these difficulties of seasonal tourism and limited resources. In recent years, new festivals in the country continue to output, but these festivals whether to create the expected benefits are worth exploring. The purpose of this study would focus on the relationship between the degree of visitors’ participation motivation, experiential value, satisfaction and behavioral intention. Field survey and convention sampling were used. Valid samples are 1664. Results indicated that participants’ participation motivation influences the experiential value, satisfaction degree and behavioral intention. Participants’ experiential value influences the behavioral intention, participants’ satisfaction degree influences the behavioral intention, participants’ experiential value influences the behavioral intention. And participants’ participation motivation will because of satisfaction degree and influences the behavioral intention. The research results are offered to relevant government units for a reference of making policy and investment, and a basis for relevant industrial organizations to draft their marketing strategy.
