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篇名 金廈地區交流利益之研究
卷期 3
並列篇名 A Study of Regional Exchange Gains between Kinmen and Xiamen
作者 紀博楝
頁次 051-068
關鍵字 金廈地區交流利益兩岸經貿國際貿易理論區域經濟Kinmen and XiamenExchange GainsCross-strait Economy and TradeInternational Trade TheoryRegional Economy
出刊日期 201303


臺灣地區是一個小型開放經濟體,貿易非常重要。近年來,與中國大陸經貿等交 流對臺灣經濟發展之重要性越來越高。其中,金門與廈門「小三通」交流,更在兩岸 經貿等各種交流中具特殊意義。本論文主要以修改之國際貿易理論中要素稟賦理論做 為金廈地區交流模型之基礎。並分別以簡化之「戰地文化」商品與「現代都會」商品, 分別代表金門與廈門之優勢產品,進行經濟分析。此外,也考慮兩岸政治經濟因素之 整體影響。
經由交流模型等分析。研究發現金廈雙方社會無異曲線提高,交流後消費點也增 加,雙方利益會因為交流而提高。此交流模型將金廈交流作理論性分析,使正面交流 利益得到更清晰之瞭解,也對未來有關實證統計或計量經濟分析提供重要理論基礎。 此外,政策上可發展「金廈經濟特區」,並降低交流成本。而金門地區則有必要趕快把 握難得之繁榮經濟,幫助經濟發展之機會。


Taiwan is a small open economy, it is very important to maintain international trade with outside world. Recently, Mainland China economic and trade exchanges on the importance of Taiwan's economic development is increasing. Among them, two areas between Kinmen and Xiamen "Mini-three-links" exchange, but also in cross-strait economic exchanges in a variety of special significance. This study mainly to do economic analysis by modified the factor endowment theory of international trade theory as a model of the Kinmen-Xiamen-based regional exchanges. And to simplify the "Cultural Field" goods and the "Modern City" goods represent their superior products of Kinmen and Xiamen. In addition, consider the overall impact of the cross-strait political and economic factors.
According to the analysis of exchange of models and graphics, etc., found both the social indifference curves, the consumption points after exchange were also increased. Therefore, the gains of both sides of the exchange increased. Therefore, Kinmen and Xiamen have gains from exchange. The result of theoretical analysis in regional exchange model between Kinmen and Xiamen had the gains from exchange were more clearly understood, but also for the future of the empirical statistical or econometric analysis providing an important theoretical basis. In addition, it is necessary to reduce exchange costs. The policy can be developed as "Kinmen and Xiamen Special Economic Zone". And it is also necessary to quickly grasp the rare economic development opportunities for the people of Kinmen to help economic prosperity.
