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篇名 小三通旅運服務渉入、依賴與認同之因果關係
卷期 3
並列篇名 A Study on Causal Relationships among Travel Transport Service Involvement, Service Dependence, and Service Identity: A Case of Mini-three-links
作者 林正士郭岑伊
頁次 017-036
關鍵字 旅運服務旅運涉入依賴認同服務補救小三通traveling servicetraveling transportation involvementdependenceidentityservice recoverymini-three links
出刊日期 201303


小三通目前為台灣商務旅客往返兩岸最主要的旅運模式,發展小三通旅運服務的 理論模式,可以了解旅客涉入前因、對旅運的依賴及其認同效果,並對航運、旅行等 業者設計服務計劃時有所幫助。小三通旅客享受一票到底的旅運服務,小三通旅運服 務提供一次性連續式的海加地接加空運(或空一陸一海)的模式,並以省時、低廉和密集 的班次來服務旅客,降低不確定性以提升旅運效率和方便性。過去小三通相關的研究 多集中在政策論述和法令遞壇;較少由行銷觀點,討論旅客對此旅運服務的涉入。本 研究由問卷調查的方法,收集190份小三通旅客有效問卷,並利用線性結構方程式,驗 證小三通旅客在涉入及依賴、認同上的一般化模式,本研究並檢視服務補救對依賴與 認同之效果,研究結果證實大部分假說獲得支持。然而,本研究以持久涉入為基礎, 並建立一個針對小三通適當的涉入一依賴一認同模型,研究結果可供業者和相關部門 做政策研擬之參考。


The mini-three links has become the most important transportation mode for the Taiwan’s businessmen of traveling between Taiwan and China. Therefore, to develop the mini-three links’ service theory model can provide the traveling information of mini-three links to the authority concerned, it would be helpful for the air carriers or travel agencies to devise service plan.
Traveler could enjoy a series travel service, from sea transport-land transport-air transport (or air-land-sea transport), this series service saves time for transfer by different transportation, it also cuts down the cost and uncertainty, on the other hand, it advances the travel efficiency and convenience.
In the past, the research of the mini-three links mostly focus on policy, politics and country safety, less research from marketing to discuss the perceived involvement of travel service. In this study, 190 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to travelers on the mini-three links way, according to the findings, this study uses SEM to develop an effective and robust structure model of traveling involvement and service dependence, In addition, we reveal the role of service recovery to service dependence and identity. The theoretical constructs and hypotheses are mostly supported.
Therefore, this study based on Enduring Involvement to do the research of mini-three links’ ticket package service, and build a proper service involvement-dependence-identity model of traveling between mini-three links, to provide the reference for carriers and legislate the related policy.
