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篇名 獨立機關之訴願案件管轄權探討-從權力分立觀點出發
卷期 3
並列篇名 The Study in the Jurisdiction of Administrative Appeal of Independent Agency Based on Separation of Powers
作者 林政緯
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 獨立機關訴願管轄權力分立Independent AgencyJurisdiction of Administrative AppealSeparation of Powers
出刊日期 201303


行政院有關撤銷處分之行為及對訴願管轄之見解是否妥適及相關學說實務論點為 何,均有探討餘地,本文從權力分立之角度切入,並將論點集中在「訴願管轄」部分, 期能對相關議題加以釐清。
獨立機關具有以下特色(一)由數名委員組成合議制行政體。(二)自一般行政機 關獨立行使職權。(三)職務之行使,除行政作用外,多少帶有準立法、準司法之權限。 因此,其行使職權時必須自行直接負責。我國中央組織基準法第3條第2款亦將獨立 機關定義為:指依據法律獨立行使職權,自主運作,除法律另有規定外,不受其他機 關指揮監督之合議制機關。
本文認為,基於權力分立下之權力分散原則,除憲法另有規定屬五權之最高機關 外,其做成決定處分機關,均不應自行審理該決定之對錯良窳,不論是一般之行政機 關抑或為獨立機關均應受此項原則之規範。倘若獨立機關欲脫離訴願管轄之監督,自應有完整配套之另案監督機制。


This article discussed the jurisdiction of administrative appeal based on separation of powers because it is not very clear that revocation of Executive Yuan in cases of administrative appeal. Several characteristics Independent Agency haves such as, Collegial Administrative Organizations, Independent power, Authority Performance with Competence in Administration, Legislation, Judicature which causes the responsibility in self-organization under authority performance. Thus, it is clear in definition of the Federal Organization Act. So, the article states Independent Agency under the principle in separation of powers should a series of system within authority to supervise if the Constitution provided the highest government organization.
