
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Symptomatic Lymphoceles Following Cadaveric Renal Transplantation: Single Center Experience
卷期 33:3
作者 Liao, Cheng-HsiWu, Sheng-TangKao, Chien-ChangCha, Tai-LungYu, Dah-ShyongSun, Guang-HuanTang, Shou-Hung
頁次 155-158
關鍵字 renal transplantationlymphoceleaspirationunroofi ngMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201306



Post-transplantation lymphoceles are uncommon but troublesome problems. This study aimed to describe our experienceof diagnosing and managing post-renal transplantation lymphoceles. We performed a retrospective chart-review of 94consecutive cadaveric renal transplant recipients from March 2005 to August 2012 and identifi ed fi ve cases of lymphocelesoccurring after transplantation. The demographic characteristics, comorbidities, occurrence of lymphoceles, and treatmentmodalities were analyzed. Five (5.3%) patients developed symptomatic postoperative lymphoceles; among them,four were male adults. In 80% of cases, diagnosis was made within 3 months after surgery. None of the lymphoceles werefound within the fi rst month after transplantation. Treatment with ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage had a highsuccess rate (80%) and was performed as fi rst line therapy in all cases. One case experienced persistent drainage and requiredlaparoscopic treatment. The mean follow-up period was 26±8 months (range: 15 - 38 months). All patients hadimproved renal function after the drainage procedure. No procedure-related complication occurred. Lymphoceles followingcadaveric renal transplantation often occur in the second or third months after cadaveric renal transplantation, and canusually be managed with percutaneous drainage procedures. Treatment of lymphoceles also improved graft functions inthe current study.

