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篇名 「社官」信仰在廣東蕉嶺與臺灣美濃的比較研究
卷期 180
並列篇名 A Comparative Study of “She Guan” in Jiaoling, Guangdong and Meinong, Taiwan
作者 洪馨蘭
頁次 83-130
關鍵字 里社真官美濃蕉嶺公王伯公Li She Zhen GuanMeinongJiaolingGong WangBogong THCITSSCI
出刊日期 201306




Extant studies on “She Guan” in Chinese society mainly depictit as a type of sheji (earth and grains) fertility cult in ancient history.Compared to the common worship of earth god (Fude Zhengshen), oneimportant feature of “She Guan” is the joint worship by civilians and officialsabove the township level. There has been no consensus in contemporaryfolk researches on the transformation of “She Guan” afterpeople emigrated from the Lingnan region to Taiwan. According to thefield data from Meinong, Taiwan, in the 1730s early Hakka settlers cameto the foothill plains to farm wet rice paddies. Until today, there are stillthree (and only three) “Li She Zhen Guan Tan” that house “She Guan”in Taiwan. However, due to the lack of comparative studies betweenMeinong and their Hakka hometown in Jiaoling and Meisian inGuangdong, local historians tend to view “She Guan” as a type of FudeZhengshen (Tudi Bogong). This study conducts field research in JiaolingCounty in Guangdong, one of the native places of the Hakka inMeinong, Kaohsiung. Two points of discussion are, first, aspects of continuityin the cult of “She Guan” both in the native place and overseas;second, individual localized features. “She Guan” in Jiaoling seems tohave been affected by characteristics of the local Gong Wang cult. As ahybrid between Gong Wang and She Guan, it presides over both waterghosts (bodies of water) and officialdom in the yang/living world,whose altars were often erected close to water. This culturally syncreticcult was brought to Meinong, Taiwan, early in the Qing dynasty, andthen accepted into the Tudi Bogong cult in the settlers’ society. The cultthen incorporated Bogong sacrificial rites, gradually forming a merger of “Gong Wang/She Guan.” This is an exploration of “rediscovering” localhistory in a retroactive research. For Meinong, the tradition of “SheGuan” originated from its native place is an interesting issue. It alsodemonstrates a cultural encounter phenomenon with the popular TudiBogong cult in Hakka areas in Taiwan. In addition, this study also usesthe topographical waterfront feature of “She Guan” altars to track downthe ecological history of the settlements’ geographic evolution.
