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篇名 音樂時間與文化異質性:以1930年代前後《雪梅思君》的不同錄音為例
卷期 180
並列篇名 Musical Time and Cultural Heterogeneity:Recordings of Xuemei Si Junduring and around the 1930s
作者 王育雯
頁次 1-43
關鍵字 直進迴繞循環音樂現代性臺灣早期流行歌文化普同性linearcircularcyclicalmusical modernityearly Taiwanese popular songscultural universalismTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201306


本研究一方面贊同前述二元劃分的不當性;另一方面則主張對音樂時間的深入探討,不僅有助於理解文化普同性,也能帶來有關文化異質性的理解與洞見。藉着比較分析一首於1930 年前後流行於臺灣的曲調〈雪梅思君〉之不同錄音版本,本文指出其旋律中所帶有的「迴繞」與「直進」的相對程度,如何分別與整體風格的相對傳統及西化程度相關,因而顯示由「文化異質性」角度觀察音樂時間的重要意義。文章最後並藉着闡述此意義與音樂現代性進一步相關的可能性,指出音樂時間與文化異質性間之關係值得持續深入探索。


Recent decades have seen important debates in musical time.Many scholars have argued for linearity as characteristic of Western artmusic (WAM), and non-linearity as characteristic of other musics. Thisposition is recently attacked seriously for making dichotomous divisionamong all cultures of music. Discussion of musical time in terms of culturalheterogeneity is thus discouraged.This study agrees, on the one hand, the problem in making dichotomousdistinction of “linear time associated with WAM” and “non-lineartime associated with non-WAM.” On the other hand, it argues that refinedcomparison in time processes not only brings insights into musicaluniversality but also to heterogeneity. Through analyzing differentrecordings of a tune widely popular in Taiwan during and around the1930s, Xuemei Si Jun (Xuemei Longs for Her Beloved), I demonstrate howvarious degrees of circularity and linearity occur in relation to the relativelytraditional or westernized overall styles respectively. Musical timeis thus significant not only in terms of cultural universality but also heterogeneity.The latter may even bring insights to musical modernity, asthe last section of this essay illustrates.
