
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Successful Treatment of Traumatic Aortic Injury with Endovascular Stenting
卷期 33:2
作者 Ting-Ying LeeChung-Yi LeeYi-Chang LinPo-Shun HsuYi-Ting TsaiChien-Sung TsaiChih-Yuan Lin
頁次 113-116
關鍵字 endovascular stentingtraumatic aortic injuryTEVARMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201304



Traumatic aortic injury is a potentially life-threatening disease that may carry a high mortality risk in the absence of immediate management. With the advances in interventional techniques, endovascular stenting has become a reasonable treatment for traumatic aortic injury. We present a 55-year-old woman with multiple trauma, including blunt chest injury and aortic injury, due to a fall from a height. Endovascular stenting was successfully performed for the aortic lesion.

