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篇名 意象、藝像與商品:蘭嶼達悟族飛魚文化的當代顯像
卷期 179
並列篇名 Image, Representation, and Commodity : Contemporary Manifestations of Flying Fish Culture among the Tao in Orchid Island
作者 楊政賢
頁次 75-121
關鍵字 意象藝像商品蘭嶼飛魚imagerepresentationcommodityOrchid Islandflying fishTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201303


蘭嶼座落西太平洋一隅,每年黑潮(Kuroshio)皆固定流經附近海域,帶來諸如飛魚與鬼頭刀等為數可觀的迴游性魚類等海洋資源;其中,飛魚除了是島上達悟** 族人重要的海洋物資、文化飲食之外,更是一種彼此互惠流通的社會禮物。因此,我們可以看見人類(達悟)善加利用海洋資源(黑潮魚群),發展生活飲食(靠海吃海)與社會交換(飛魚文化)等傳統海洋文化的歷史發展模式,及其自成一格的人魚網絡體系。徵諸歷史,蘭嶼達悟不只重視飛魚以及圍繞着飛魚的一系列祭典,甚至是以飛魚為認知主體來理解海洋、區分季節。本文將介紹達悟族人與飛魚之間的傳統人魚網絡,並藉由飛魚的神聖化、具象化與商品化等機制,分別分析其象徵(神聖性)、表徵(族群性)與物資(商業性)等不同文化內涵,進而探


The Kuroshio, passing by Orchid Island, has rendered the island rich in marine resources, including migratory fishes such as “flying fish” (Cheilopogon) and “dolphin fish” (Coryphaena hippurus). Flying fish are not only an important marine resource and cultural food, but also commonly used for gift exchange in local society. From the Kuroshio fishery, the Tao people developed such ocean cultural tradition as a seafood diet, fish-based social exchange, and a unique “peoplefish network.” Historically, the Tao of Orchid Island place much importance on the flying fish and the related festivities. They even perceive the ocean and distinguish between seasons from the perspective of flying fish. In this paper, I will introduce the historical context of traditional “people-fish network” among the Tao. By examining the cultural mechanisms of deification, personification, and commodification of the flying fish, I intend to analyze the varied implications of flying fish as symbols (divinity), representations (ethnicity), and commodities (commerce). The following aspects of flying fish culture will be investigated: first, the cultural image of origin myth about the fish and the Tao; second, the ethnic artistic representation of the fish portrayed in public or modern arts; third, the functional diversion of the fish into monetary economy and market mechanism. Eventually, this article attempts to further illuminate the contemporary significance and cultural landscape of flying fish on Orchid Island.
