
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Excessively Anterior Tunnel Placement during Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Causes Subsequent Tearing
卷期 33:1
作者 Lin, Aaron Chih-changMa, Hsiao-liLu, Tzu-chuan
頁次 049-052
關鍵字 anterior cruciate ligamentreconstructioncontracturepostoperative complicationMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201302



The goal of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is to help patients regain the ability to participate in sports with minimal loss of preoperative levels of daily activity. However, the outcome of ACL reconstruction is not always positive, with knee contracture being a common postoperative complication. Here, we described a 22-year-old female who sustained graft impingement following ACL reconstruction induced by excessively anterior placement of the tibial and femoral tunnels. Arthroscopic decompression was performed and all suspected structures that may have led to impingement and fl exion limitation were shaved. The preoperative symptoms were resolved and full range of motion of the affected joint returned 4 weeks after operation. We also reviewed the complications of ACL reconstruction, including the causes and possible preventive procedures.

