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篇名 探討臺灣民間陣頭--「跳鼓陣」之陣式變化及意涵
卷期 19
並列篇名 Utilizing Taiwanese Folk Parade--The Formation and the Meaning of
作者 張豒勻
頁次 215-232
關鍵字 民俗藝陣跳鼓陣The attractive folk art paradeChariot and Drum Parade
出刊日期 201210


跳鼓陣原為我國農業社會的產物,但在後繼乏人的情況下,此項技藝已逐漸沒落當中。舉凡一項技藝得以長存不墜,必有其相當的功能存在,跳鼓陣在民間亦扮演著幾項重要的社會功能,但由於社會演進,跳鼓陣在平日已難得一見。本研究的目的如下:一、籍由文獻整理與歸納來了解臺灣跳鼓陣的歷史源頭及陣式意涵。二、期望藉由相關文獻資料的蒐集與探討,提升未來舞蹈作品創作的啟發,並豐富舞蹈創作之內涵。三、提供對跳鼓陣有興趣的同好及相關單位作為參考。本研究主要採用歷史研究、文獻分析法,對所得文獻及資料進行歸納分析、並得到以下結論:一、台灣跳鼓陣的歷史淵源考證,儘管各種說法不一,但研究者認為台灣的跳鼓陣與福建的大鼓涼傘可能有密切的關連;經由閱讀文獻資料後,發現跳鼓陣強調重視團隊精神的凝聚,而不是個人的技巧表現,而基本動作與陣式內容不是和制式的,是可以經由教師自行創造,透過鑼鼓的節奏,營造熱鬧的氣氛, 跳鼓陣在歡慶之餘,其陣式意涵是相當多元的,內在蘊含祈福謝神與鎮邪避凶之意涵。二、期望籍由相關文獻資料的蒐集與探討,提升未來舞蹈作品創作的啟發,並豐富舞蹈創作之內涵,發揚此項民俗技藝以傳承本土文化生命。


Chariot and Drum Parade is the product of agricultural society in Taiwan. However, there is no heir on this artistry, so it has been on the downgrade for the past few years. Chariot and Drum Parade plays some important roles in the civil society. The purposes of the research are followed: 1. utilizing the collation of historical documents to realize the history of Chariot and Drum Parade and the meaning of the Parade. 2. utilizing the collation and the discussion of historical documents to promote the creations of dance in the future, and as well enrich the contents of pieces. 3. providing a reference for people and related organizations who are interested in Chariot and Drum Parade. This research utilizes historical research and documentary analysis to do inductive analysis, and conclusions are followed: 1. Although there are many different statements about Chariot and Drum Parade, the researcher considers that there may a close connection between Chariot and Drum Parade of Taiwan and Daguliangshan of Fujian; By analyzing the historical documents, it is realized that Chariot and Drum Parade emphasizes the consciousness of the solidarity instead of the personal skills. In addition, the movement and the parade of it are not standardizations, but can be created by teachers. Through the rhythm of the drum to build a lively atmosphere, Chariot and Drum Parade is not only to celebrate joyously, but also to pray for blessings and to ward off evils. 2. utilizing the collation and the discussion of historical documents to promote the creations of dance, enrich the contents of pieces, exalt the folk artistry, and pass down the native culture.
