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篇名 唐宋時期的軋箏
卷期 19
並列篇名 Rolling Zheng in Tang and Song Dynasties
作者 郭育廷
頁次 183-213
關鍵字 軋箏上竹下秦棒擦拉絃樂器Rolling ZhengYazhengQinStick for pullingBowed stringed instrumentRuanTang Dynasty
出刊日期 201210


軋箏一般被認為是失傳的唐代樂器,筆者希望能從其相關文獻獲得軋箏演奏技術上的啟發與參考。經過參閱後,赫然發現它的傳承並未從唐代斷絕!本文盡可能找出各文獻的詳細出處,分列原書與當代出版書籍的詳細資料,並對照原文或比對版本以求正確。再依年代順序介紹與進行解讀,期能看出軋箏的歷史發展脈絡。軋箏的首次亮相是在公元790年春,唐代釋皎然《觀李中丞洪二美人唱歌軋箏歌(時量移湖州長史)》。從唐至宋,軋箏經歷了從「軋」箏至「軋箏」再到形制與箏有異的「軋箏」三階段,由一種演奏方式變為獨立樂器名稱並擁有獨特形制。唐宋時期,無論宮廷、民間皆有軋箏,惟北宋宮廷不能確定是否存在軋箏。演奏形式有獨奏、伴唱、小合奏、大合奏,演奏姿勢有坐奏和立奏。初版《通典》(801年)應是使用「撋」字來強調片竹前後推拉的直線擦絃方向與軌跡,之後《舊唐書》(941年)才改用「潤」字來強調片竹經加工後滑潤的特色,並進而影響後來鈔刻的《通典》亦改用「潤」。「撋」並非「潤」的誤字,並保留加工片竹而追求較佳音色的歷史過程。南北宋相交時期以後,「軋箏」可稱「秦」,也可稱「秦箏」。多名同時並存的狀況,可理解為一物多名。「特殊字元略」、「秦」兩字音義相同( ㄑ一ㄣˊ,qín ) 且可互通。


Rolling Zheng (軋箏, Yazheng) is generally regarded as the lost musical instruments of Tang Dynasty, and I hope literature on it inspires me with performing skills. After studying, I was surprised to find out that its heritage is not cut off from Tang Dynasty.In order to contrast original text with other versions, I did my utmost to find out the details of the source of all literature about rolling Zheng, and displayed the details of the original and contemporary books published. To find out the historical development of rolling Zheng, the content will be introduced and interpreted in chronological order.The debut of rolling Zheng-Shr Jiau-ran's work "Admiring the Two Beauties of Official Li Hung Singing and Rolling Zheng Song (when he was posted to Huzhou)" is in the spring of A.D. 790 in Tang Dynasty. From Tang to Song Dynasty, the rolling Zheng experiences three stages, from the "rolling" Zheng (press hard against Zheng strings by something to make sound) to "rolling Zheng," and then "Rolling Zheng(Yazheng)" which has a variation in shape to Zheng, turning a way of playing into the name of an independent musical instrument with unique type system.Rolling Zheng existed in the imperial court and folk area in Tang and Song Dynasties, except the imperial court of Northerrn Song, which is not confirmed. The playing form consisted of solo, vocal accompaniment, small ensemble, large ensemble, and the playing posture included sitting and standing.The first edition "Tungdian(通典)" I think should emphasize rubbing strings before and after by a piece of bamboo in straight-line trajectory-pushing and pulling. Afterwards, "ruen (潤)" had replaced "ruan(撋)" in "Jioutangs hu(舊唐書)," highlighting the lubricative character of a piece of bamboo after processing. Therefore, the later editions "Tungdian" was affected to use "ruen." "Ruan" is not a misspelt word for "ruen," but retains the history of processing a piece of bamboo to pursuing better tone quality.After the turn of Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty, "Rolling Zheng (Yazheng)" can be called "Qin" or "QinZheng". A number of names coexisted can be understood as polyonymosity. The pronunciation (ㄑㄧㄣˊ, qín) and the meaning of the two terms "Qin (上竹下秦)" and "Qin (秦) are the same.
