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篇名 新形態互動式燈箱廣告系統設計與探討
卷期 19
並列篇名 Interactive Lightbox Advertisement System Research and Development
作者 尤易彥何俊達林珮淳
頁次 119-134
關鍵字 互動廣告廣告燈箱互動多媒體KinectInteractive advertisementLightbox
出刊日期 201210




With the rapid development of technology, traditional advertisements would no longer have been able to fulfill modern consumers' taste of novelty and diversity. By utilizing integrated multimedia designs to advance the ideas of traditional lightbox advertisement, a new system of interactive Iightbox advertisements can improve the defects of the traditional ones such as the unemotional linkage with consumers and complicated database update, making it more easily to be accepted by consumers with attractiveness. By discussing the development of lightbox advertisements, this research is to address methods of combining interactive advertisements with digital lightbox systems, and to probe into the possibility of the development of interactive advertisement s. Users will be able to generate more interactive contents through different methods and advertisements to make their advertisements possess the performance and commercial value. It will not only increase the likelihood of the consumer purchase, but also amplify the benefit of the development of the systems of interactive lightbox advertisements.
