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篇名 詩詞意象轉化感質商品的設計運用
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Transformation of Song Ci Poetry Image in Qualia Product Design
作者 陳璽敬徐啟賢林志隆
頁次 099-117
關鍵字 詩詞感質設計模式Song Ci PoetryQualiaProduct design model
出刊日期 201210




Song Ci Poetry is one of the representative treasures of Chinese culture. Its text is concise, meaning is extensive, and emotion is plentiful. Comparing the Qualia product, Song Ci Poetry is different in approach but equally satisfactory in result- emotional resonance with consumers. Thus, the objective of the study is not only to investigate the relation between Song Ci Poetry and Qualia property, but also analyze the characteristic of product which designed with poetry content. The study takes "Thinking of You" (Poem by Su Shi, Sung dynasty) as examples, the poetry's four elements: sentiment, reason, matter, and view (object) and four products designed based on this poetry image were analyzed. The study results showed that all the products have Qualia properties of attractiveness, beauty and creativity. In finally, the study provided a Qualia product design model base on Song Ci Poetry. The design model not only help designer to apply the advantage of Song Ci Poetry on product design but also enrich Qualia property and strengthen cultural depth of product.
