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篇名 廟宇建築壁堵裝飾框樣探討
卷期 19
並列篇名 A Study of Decorated Frame of Temple's Wall
作者 賴沛君
頁次 049-074
關鍵字 框樣紋樣寺廟壁堵Decorated framePatternThe temple wall blocking
出刊日期 201210




The beautiful decorations in the traditional architecture are not only found in the theme, but also great on Decorated Frame. With different components and decorative techniques, create a lot of kind styles of "Decorated Frame", The decoration area on the wall call "blocking", The design of Decorated Frame are non-symmetry pattern, The decorative theme flowers, Bo Gu, dragons and auspicious patterns…The Visual effects is not strong when you a distance the carving. Closer look will find that carving and meticulous, With different carving techniques and location, Take the appropriate mix. The study have investigate the temples, Analysis of the wall of Decorated Frame composition, I hope through this study to show the beauty and importance of Decorated Frame of Temple.
