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篇名 日本大佛樣式與黃檗樣式建築藝術初探--兼比較臺灣的傳統寺廟建築
卷期 19
並列篇名 Research on the Art of the Daibutsu-style and Obaku-Style Architecture in Japan--Comparing with the Traditional Temple Architecture of Taiwan
作者 李長蔚
頁次 027-047
關鍵字 大佛樣式黃檗樣式寺廟建築南系建築Daibutsu-styleObaku-styleTemple architectureThe architecture of south China
出刊日期 201210




Daibutsu-style architecture of Japan influenced by South China during the Southern Song Dynasty was one of the most prominent architecture within the Kamakura period. Obaku-style architecture also under the influence of South China during the Late Ming Dynasty formed the new style of architecture in the Edo period. These two architectural models have a close relationship with the architecture of South China, especially with the Fujian area. Moreover, the traditional temple architecture of Taiwan, a good example of cultural transplantation from Fujian-Guangdong areas, has a lot of similarities with the two Japanese architectural style mentioned above. This essay discusses the architectural features of the Daibutsu-style and Obaku-style architecture in Japan and take several cases of Taiwan's traditional temple architecture for comparative example. lt will be an attempt to present the physical evidence in the Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges and explore the uniqueness and position of Taiwan's traditional temple architecture within the cultural area of East Asian wood-constructed architecture from the new point of view.
