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篇名 宜蘭景陽號十殿閻羅手繪彩磁研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 A Study about the Ten Kings of Hell on the Hand-Painted Tile Panel of Jing-Yang Commercial Firm
作者 洪旭騰
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 十王圖十殿閻羅手繪彩磁彩繪磁磚景陽Ten Kings of HellThe Hand-painted Tile PaneJing-yang
出刊日期 201210




The painting about Ten Kings of Hell is describing that the scene of hell. Picture posed by the trial scene and tortured horrors. Ten Kings of Hell is a folk belief which merged with Buddhism, Taoism's hell concept. People believe Yama manages the ten palace of Hell. When people passed away they need to be tried by Ten Kings. During his lifetime he did good deed then he will go to paradise. On the contrary during his lifetime he did bad thing when he dead he will go to hell and be tortured. The painting about Ten Kings of Hell is usually hung in the funeral or Purdue. It is not common to decoration in architecture. But at the fu tian temple (輔天宮) there is a group of the Hand-painted Tile Pane that painting Ten Kings of Hell. It is making from jing-yang commercial firm. The content is brutal and shocking. The function is teaching people to make good.
