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篇名 生物科普動畫擬人化使用之研究探討
卷期 19
並列篇名 Anthropomorphic Applications of Biological Popular Science Animations
作者 葉松霖王年燦
頁次 161-182
關鍵字 科普故事教育擬人化Popular scienceStorytelling for education and anthropomorphic
出刊日期 201210




In the current scientific era, how to learn scientific knowledge is an important issue. Therefore, popular science is an important subject for educating the public about science. There are a variety of methods for popular science. The present study focuses on type story-telling type of biology animations to research into how to design interesting biological anthropomorphic animations. This study analyzed five commercial scientific animation films on the theme of frogs, identified similarities and dissimilarities among these anthropomorphic animation films, and then designed a table of anthropomorphic patterns which was used to improve the anthropomorphic performance in the climax of the film, "Heymon" In-depth interviews with twenty junior high students were conducted afterwards in order to compare their views about the original and modified films. As shown in the results of the study, improved anthropomorphic performance of the film could increase the junior high students' liking of the film and their interests in the film and did not cause misunderstanding about the anthropomorphic frogs. However, the students' interests in ecology were not greatly increased although the modified film was even more entertaining.
