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篇名 3D電腦動畫短片分鏡創作之研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Research of Creation Storyboard Short 3D Computer Animated Film
作者 張軍策石昌杰王年燦
頁次 135-160
關鍵字 3D電腦動畫短片分鏡表敘事手法角色情緒場景氛圍Short 3D computer animated filmStoryboardNarrationEmotion of the RoleSurrounding atmosphere
出刊日期 201210




When script is transformed into images of storyboard, no matter whether it is in the animations or movie format, it plays the key role in determining the preproduction phase. While drawing the storyboard, it requires pre-pondering about the process from the stationary to dynamic which evaluates the composite thinking in an integrated visual presentation, aesthetics and film editing, and these can ensure the ensuing production phase in reaching preset goal of efficiency as well as cost saving. Based upon the above, this research emphasize the storyboard drawing during preproduction for short 3D animated film and adopts the content analysis and interview method prior proceeds further. First of all, documentation exploration will be carried out in conjunction with theoretical and short films renowned both domestically and abroad, to sort out principles for storyboard drawing. Then two versions of the self-edited stories "Golden memory" will be drawn into storyboards and five experts will verify afterward. The finding of this research reveals that B version of three directions of "Golden memory" exhibits the "narration", "emotion of the role" and "surrounding atmosphere" was better.
