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篇名 不同中耕處理次數對落花生有機栽培田間雜草控制、農藝性狀及一般成份影響
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 Effect of Cultivation Treatment for Weed Control,Agronomic Characters and Chemical Composition of Organic Peanut
作者 彭彥儒侯金日
頁次 037-058
關鍵字 中耕落花生有機栽培雜草控制農藝性狀一般成份Cultivation, PeanutOrganic farmingWeed controlAgronomic charactersChemical CompositionsTSCI
出刊日期 201206


以落花生台南選9 號(TNS 9)與台南14 號(TN 14)為試驗材料,在嘉義縣義竹鄉認證合格之有機栽培農家農地進行耕種。藉由中耕除草的方式,在不同中耕處理之雜草管理模式下,進行田間雜草相之變化及所採收之落花生進行農藝性狀調查及落花生種仁一般成份的分析。研究結果可知,有機栽培落花生台南選9 號及14 號春秋作在經過20 天及40 天的中耕處理之後,中耕一次及中耕二次處理之田間雜草乾重及雜草密度皆顯著降低,且低於不中耕處理;秋作時經中耕除草後,雜草乾重與雜草密度皆有下降,尤其雜草密度下降比較乾重為大。田間雜草相春作時以禾本科之牛筋草、芒稷最多;秋作時初期(60 天以前)則以禾本科的牛筋草最多,後期以小葉灰藋最多。
在有機栽培落花生的產量表現上,台南選9 號與台南14 號結果相似,春作以中耕二次處理有較佳的小區鮮莢果產量與小區種子產量;秋作雖然中耕一次與中耕二次處理間小區鮮莢果產量與小區種子產量表現無顯著差異,但是在經濟效益的考量下,則以中耕一次處理表現較佳。台南選9 號落花生種仁一般成分的表現在春秋作時,以中耕一次及中耕二次處理皆有較高的粗脂肪表現,且顯著高於不中耕處理,粗蛋白則以中耕二次處理表現較佳,碳水化合物也以中耕二次處理有較低的表現;台南14 號在春作時以中耕一次和中耕二次處理有較高的粗脂肪與碳水化合物表現,以及較低的粗蛋白表現。中耕一次則有較高的粗蛋白及灰分表現與較低的碳水化合物表現,且灰分表現顯著高於不中耕與中耕二次處理。綜合以上結果,可知經過中耕除草處理,不但可降低田間雜草乾重及雜草密度,也可提高落花生之產量表現,提高落花生種仁粗脂肪之含量。


The peanut Tainan Selected No.9 (TNS 9) and Tainan No.14 (TN 14) were planted in the organic farmland of Chiayi Yizhu. The objective of this study were to evaluate the effects of cultivation on the weed, agronomic characters and composition of peanut kernels of weed management practices.
The result showed that: after the cultivation in 20 DAP and 40 DAP, weed dry weight and weed density of cultivation once and twice treatments were significant lower than control in TNS 9 at spring and autumn crop; In spring crop, the result of TN 14 was similar to TNS 9: weed dry weight and weed density were both reduced after cultivation at autumn crop. Weed density showed more deducting than weed dry weight. The dominant field weed species in spring crop were Eleusine indica (Gramineae) and Echinochloa colona (L.) Link. (Gramineae); Eleusine indica was the most dominant species before 60 DAP in autumn crop, but 60 DAP was Chenopdium serotunum Linn (Chenopodiaceae). The yield result of organic peanut, TNS 9 was similar to TN 14. In spring crop, cultivation twice had a better fresh pod yield and seed yield than other treatments. Although the fresh pod yield of plot and seed yield of plot was no significant different between cultivation once and twice treatment in autumn crop, cultivation once treatment was much better for the on economic benefits. The composition of peanut kernel of TNS 9 at spring and autumn crop showed that cultivation once and twice were significant higher than control in crude fat. And, cultivation twice treatment also was much better in crude protein, lower present in carbohydrate; In TN 14, cultivation once and twice treatment had higher crude fat, carbohydrate, and lower crude protein at spring crop. Cultivation once also had significant higher crude protein, ash, and lower present in carbohydrate, than control and cultivation twice treatment. Resulting conclusion, cultivation practice not only can reduce weed dry weight and weed density, but also increase peanut yield and crude fat content of peanut kernel.
