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篇名 利用ISSR 分子標誌鑑定臺灣菟絲子屬植物
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 ISSR molecular marker in detection of Cuscuta spp. in Taiwan
作者 謝玉貞林芳妘蔣慕琰袁秋英
頁次 013-026
關鍵字 菟絲子屬簡單序列重複區間分子標誌聚合酵素鏈鎖反應物種鑑定ISSR molecular markerPCRspecies identificationTSCI
出刊日期 201206


菟絲子屬(Cuscuta spp.)植物蔓生性的莖纏繞寄主,且由吸器攝取寄主植物之水
分及養分,導致寄主死亡,為植物檢疫關注之危險性莖葉寄生雜草。台灣的3 種
菟絲子屬植物有平原菟絲子(Cuscuta campestris Yunck.)、台灣菟絲子(C. japonica
Choisy var. formosana (Hay.)) 及日本菟絲子(Cuscuta japonica Choisy var.
用簡單序列重複區間(Inter-simple sequence repeat, ISSR )標誌,建立台灣3 種菟絲
子分子鑑定之技術。田間採集外觀形態不同之46 個菟絲子樣品,先依形態特徵區
別,台灣菟絲子:筒狀花長度4-6 mm,莖較粗壯,莖直徑約1.5-3 mm,紫色莖且
帶有紫紅色瘤狀斑點;日本菟絲子:筒狀花長度3-4 mm,莖較粗壯,莖直徑約1.5-3
有紫紅色瘤狀斑點或黃色莖與少部分紫色莖夾雜且帶有紫紅色瘤狀斑點之3 種類
別;平原菟絲子:筒狀花長度2-3 mm,莖較細絲狀,莖直徑小於1 mm,淡黃色。
46 個菟絲子樣品區別為14 個台灣菟絲子、16 個日本菟絲子及16 個平原菟絲子。
利用ISSR-PCR 反應篩選45 個UBC ISSR 引子,結果有9 個引子皆可於3 種菟絲
子增幅不同長度及數量之多型性DNA 片段, 其中以UBC 823 引子(5’-
TCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCC-3’)可於3 種菟絲子分別增幅出特異性DNA 片段,日本菟絲子16 個樣品皆增幅647 bp 片段;平原菟絲子16 個樣品皆增幅800、900 及
1100 bp 3 條DNA 片段。台灣菟絲子樣品有2 種增幅結果:9 個樣品增幅647 及431
bp 2 條DNA 片段,5 個樣品只增幅647 bp DNA 片段,推測此5 樣品為外觀似台
灣菟絲子,但遺傳質似日本菟絲子的中間型生物種。本研究結果顯示利用UBC 823
引子之ISSR-PCR 檢測方法,配合外觀形態之比對,可提供未來台灣地區菟絲子種


Cuscuta spp. plants prostrate stems wrapped host and host plants of moisture and nutrients uptake by haustoria, leading to host death, the risk of phytosanitary concern stems and leaves of parasitic weeds. Cuscuta japonica is Choisy var japonica, Cuscuta japonica is Choisy var formosana (Hay.) and Cuscuta campestris Yuncker are common three kinds of dodder in Taiwan. Cuscuta japonica is Choisy var japonica and Cuscuta japonica is Choisy var formosana (Hay.) flowering is not easy to be distinguished from the appearance of type. In this study using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers molecular identification of the three types of dodder. We collected the morphology of different dodder species samples in field, using 45 ISSR random primers for PCR reaction and gel electrophoresis analysis of differences in comparative DNA fragments. The UBC 823 primer (5'-TCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCC-3') with the appearance of morphological differences, clearly showing a sign of DNA fragments of three different specific. Cuscuta campestris Yunck. had 3 bands whose molecular weights were 800 bp, 900 bp and 431 bp respectively; Cuscuta japonica Choisy var. formosana (Hay.) had 2 types, bands 647 bp and 431 bp another one band 647 bp and Cuscuta japonica Choisy var. japonica had a 647 bp specific band. The results of this study shows that of the Cuscuta spp could be identified with using UBC823 primers for different types of dodder ISSR-PCR amplified DNA fragment fingerprints of high specificity and cooperation with dodder seed identification in Taiwan.
