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篇名 Application of Polyamines Improves Paraquat Resistance of Rice Mutant Through Enhanced Activity of Antioxidative System
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 利用外加多胺誘導抗氧化系統活性以提高水稻對巴拉刈之抗性
作者 楊澄慧曾太侑王慶裕
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 Polyaminesspermineparaquatantioxidationricemutant多胺精胺巴拉刈抗氧化水稻突變體TSCI
出刊日期 201206


本研究探討外加藥劑是否能提高水稻對巴拉刈(paraquat)的抗性,試驗分別外加抗壞血酸(ascorbic acid)及多胺(polyamines)於感性水稻突變體分蘗期葉片,發現其中多胺較能有效提高水稻對巴拉刈之抗性,其中又以5 mM 精胺(spermine, Spm)較10 mM 有效。外加Spm 雖然僅略提高ascorbate peroxidase 活性,但H2O2 顯著下降,故推測外加Spm 可能誘導感性水稻突變體之抗氧化系統活性,降低巴拉刈對水稻造成的氧化傷害,以提高感性水稻對巴拉刈之抗性。


Ascorbic acid and polyamines were tested on a paraquat-susceptible rice mutant to evaluate the effect of exogenously applied chemicals on its susceptibility to this herbicide. The results showed that polyamines, especially spermine at 5 mM, could improve rice tolerance to paraquat. Although the ascorbate peroxidase activity was only slightly increased by spermine, a significant decrease of H2O2 suggested that this polyamine effectively improved paraquat resistance of rice plant through enhanced activity of antioxidative system.
