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篇名 廣澤尊王遊臺灣:漢人民間信仰神明階序的結構與展演
卷期 177
並列篇名 When the Reverent Lord of Broad Compassion Takes a Tour of Inspection in Taiwan:Hierarchy of Deities and Its Performance in Han Chinese Folk Religion
作者 丁仁傑
頁次 057-116
關鍵字 進香民間信仰廣澤尊王階序靈力pilgrimagefolk religionthe Reverent Lord of Broad CompassionhierarchyefficacyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201209




In 2009, Ancestor Temple of the Reverent Lord of Broad Compassion from the Phoenix Mountain Monastery in Mainland China,takes a “tour of inspection” in Taiwan, this is an extraordinary and peculiar chance for us to examine the structure of deities’ hierarchy and its contemporary demonstration. By observing the manifold ways of local temples’ inviting and interacting with the ancestor temple, we can realize the function for hierarchy of deities in Chinese folk religion. Several important concepts: “the complex of ancestor-branch temple,” “mediating transformer between ancestor temple and branch temples,” “self-differentiation
within lineage complex,” “publicity embodying in geographical layout,” all are heuristic tools for us to understand the dynamic of Han folk religion. Besides the rather stable structural relations among temples of different levels, nowadays, due to some new elements elicited by cross-islands relation and urban ecology of temple development,there are much more dynamic performances linking to the hierarchical relationship between ancestor temple and its branches.
