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篇名 以符號學觀點解析太極圖像標誌設計之符號運用
卷期 18
並列篇名 A Semiotic Analysis of the Application of Tai-chi Icon Related Symbol Design
作者 黃敬賢楊清田
頁次 087-116
關鍵字 太極太極標誌標誌設計符號學Tai-chiTai-chi iconSymbol designSemiotics
出刊日期 201204


太極符號是典型的中國元素,被許多國家認同和運用,形成東方意味的重要文化符碼之 一。在標誌設計中,常借用其豐富的?涵,配合相關的圖像(符號)來傳達設計主題’使「太極 標誌設計」的「符徵」意義擴大。本研究旨在以搜尋到的511例「太極標誌」樣本,以索緒爾 (F. de Saussure)符號學理論,進行「符徵」與「符旨」解析,並依「系譜軸」與「毗鄰軸」架 構,解讀太極標誌組成之排列關係。研究證實,以「太極」涵義或「太極符號」為設計發想的 標誌,在符號組成上有一定的領域關係,而依「太極符號」類型的不同,其組合情況有別,對 「符徵」與「符旨」的詮釋範圍有一定的影響。


The symbol of Tai-chi is a classical element of Chinese culture. Widely recognized and extensively adopted by industries, Tai-chi symbol is regarded as one of the important semiotics of the East. Tai-chi symbol has much meaning in and of itself. In symbol design, it is often combined with associated images (signs) to convey the design theme. These applications in turn expand the symbolic meaning of Tai-chi icon related symbol design. This study, sampling 511 cases of Tai-chi symbol design, aims to analyze the concepts of signifier and signified (the form and the meaning) of Tai-chi icon related symbol design, using E. de Saussure’s semiotics. It also analyzes the formation relationship of Tai-chi symbols under the framework of the "genealogy axis” and "adjacent to the axis." Research findings show that among the designs using Tai-chi symbol or commutating Tai-chi meaning, there exists a relationship in the way symbols are formed. The types of Tai-chi symbol involved also affects the way symbols are combined. The interpretation of the form and the meaning is accordingly differing to a certain extent.
