
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Postischemic Compartment Syndrome Resulting from the Trocar-induced Iliac Artery Injury during Gynecological Laparoscopy
卷期 32:4
作者 Guo-Min SuDah-Ching DingYung-Liang LiuGwo-Jang WuKwei-Shuai Hwang
頁次 195-197
關鍵字 postischemic compartment syndrometrocar-induced injurylaparoscopyMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201208



Injury of major retroperitoneal vascular structures is an infrequent complication of laparoscopy. One of the most severe complications that may occur during laparoscopic surgery is trocar and Veress needle injuries to the retroperitoneal vessels. A case of obese young female with ovarian teratoma, Rt suffered from postischemic compartment syndrome after laparoscopy though emergent revascularization was performed. Since this rare life-threatening conditions could easily be misdiagnosed and mistreated, early diagnosis and immediate treatment by vascular hemostasis and fasciotomy are essential to prevent this rare, serious, and potentially lethal complication.
