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篇名 The Repercussions of Mao Zedong's Projects: The Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and State Power
卷期 2
並列篇名 毛澤東的計劃之惡果:大躍進、文革與國家權力
作者 侯廣豪
頁次 097-124
關鍵字 毛澤東大躍進文革國家權力紀律性革命Mao ZedongGreat Leap ForwardCultural Revolutionstate powerthe disciplinary revolution
出刊日期 201203




This essay attempts to facilitate an understanding of the political impact of the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution on the Chinese Communist state's power during Mao Zedong's reign. These two Maoist crusades inflicted critical damages on state power, given that they almost completely demolished the disciplinary institutions and ideological power wielded by the state. The disciplinary institutions and ideological power were the main pillar that buttressed the state's infrastructural power. Therefore, the two Maoist grand projects not only directly caused disasters and suffering, but also indirectly damaged the state's infrastructural power, which had been employed to undertake economic modernization before the Great Leap Forward.
