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篇名 金門「小三通」自由行實施後的觀光發展策略研究
卷期 2
並列篇名 A Strategy Study of Tourism Development for Kinmen after the Implementation of Individual Visit of "Mini Three Links"
作者 蔡承旺
頁次 235-254
關鍵字 金門小三通自由行人力資源基礎設施KimmenMini Three LinksIndividual VisitHuman ResourceInfrastructure
出刊日期 201203




For mutual interaction across the Strait, Kinmen is found with rather significant position, and it has always played the role as the bridge that covers cross-strait relationship. When direct navigation was launched between Kinmen and Xiamen since 2001, it has established the "brand name advantage" for Kinmen in cross-strait exchange. On 29(superscript th) July, 2011, with policy materialization of "individual visit of mini-three-link" it has become the systematic important milestone that further realizes "mini-three-link," and it facilitates to offer brand new opportunity of development with regard to tourism industry of Kinmen.Tourism industry is a comprehensive industry with widespread extensive coverage, and trades within are highly connected with tremendously significant potential, and tourism is also reckoned as the critical and strategic industry vital to the economic development of Kinmen. Within this article, we have resorted to the analysis method of SWOT as the important criteria helping to formulate the development strategy of tourism for Kinmen. Under the context of limited resources, the results of study can work to avoid mistake of decision making as well as and inefficient investment, so that resources can be allocated and used at its most efficient utility, thus helping to enhance the quality of decision making and policy implementation.
