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篇名 制震摩擦阻尼器之理論與試驗分析
卷期 2
並列篇名 Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Friction Damper for Earthquake-resistance
作者 張簡嘉賞
頁次 213-233
關鍵字 特殊合金剪力平衡法摩擦阻尼器耐震性能試驗special alloyfriction dampershear balance methodseismic performance test
出刊日期 201203




Applying friction mechanism for energy dissipation has become a considerably simple and elegant mechanical concept. Its only restraint lies at the rather low friction coefficient in metal material of the earlier stage and results with the low capacity for earthquake-resistance. And this severely hampers the capability to satisfy engineering practical needs as well as its engineering application potential. In order to compensate the rather low friction coefficient from the materials, this research proposes a special alloy material as the core for friction damper. After going through element tests, the findings indicate that this friction damper with its core made of special alloy has relatively stable, rich and full hysteresis loop and its rate-independent stable and rich hysteresis loops with characteristics of the Coulomb's friction mechanism. Other than these, the special metal alloy has high friction coefficient (μ>0.7) far exceeding those of the commonly used friction dampers, thus it can greatly increase the design capacity for friction damper. This research will further apply the combination from friction damper and H-beam to adapt to frictional damping brace and have it undergo a series of seismic performance tests. And test findings reveal that with added friction damper bracing, it can lower the acceleration response at each floor level. While the structure is installed with friction damper for energy dissipation element therefore the friction mechanism can render the overall structure into system of the highly nonlinear ones, therefore this research can then base upon the shear balance method to proceed to seek the solution for nonlinear dynamic responses from the structure system. And the numerical simulation findings support that structure with added friction damper can really lower the effective seismic response.
