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篇名 歷史島嶼中的新興大學:金門大學的規劃願景
卷期 2
並列篇名 A Rising University on a Historical Island: Campus Planning and Vision of NQU
作者 江柏煒袁興言李金振
頁次 021-057
關鍵字 大學精神文化遺產校園規劃全球化university spiritcultural heritagecampus planningglobalization
出刊日期 201203




Quemoy, an archipelago situated near Xiamen and Quanzhou, is composed of Quemoy Island, Lieyu Island and other islets. In the Southern Song Dynasty, under the influence of the Confusian scholar, Zhu Xi, Yennan Academy was established to promote education. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Quemoy was famous for its high civilization. Later, overseas emigrants brought back wealth from Southeast Asia to contribute in public affairs and also influenced the local architectural style. From 1949 to 1992, Quemoy became the frontline to defend against the communist forces. While the society was highly militarized, many clan traditions, cultural landscape and ecological diversity were thereby well preserved.There was no institute of higher education in Quemoy during the period of military governance. In 1997, Kinmen Branch of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences was set up, and the branch campus became independent and was renamed National Kinmen Institute of Technology in 2003. Then in 2010 it was further upgraded to university level and renamed National Quemoy University (NQU).This article addresses how Quemoy, an island with a special geopolitical situation and rich in cultural history, can improve its chances of redevelopment through the planning of a university island in the post-battlefield era. Also, how this rising university may develop unique and competitive advantages with the transformation of cultural heritage in Quemoy. Finally, with case studies of Quemoy and NQU, possible prospects for rising universities in the context of globalization are discussed.
