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篇名 兩岸經貿研究之方法論探討
卷期 2
並列篇名 A Study of the Methodology of the Research of the Cross-strait Economy and Trade
作者 紀博棟
頁次 179-212
關鍵字 兩岸經貿方法論量化研究質的研究社會科學哲學cross-strait economy and trademethodologyquantitative researchqualitative researchphilosophy of social sciences
出刊日期 201203




The studies of cross-strait economy and trade and other issues may increase because of convenient exchange between Taiwan and Mainland China. Therefore, in this study, according to "the modified Post-positivism of philosophy of social sciences", and by generalized philosophy of social sciences research approach, and adopts research methods of literature analysis, interpretation and critical theory to study the methodology paradigm of the research of the cross-strait economic and trade, in order to improve the quality of academic researches about the cross-strait economic and trade issues.In this study, researcher considers that in the studies of cross-strait economic and trade issues, the researchers of non-western societies have to understand and research the methodology of philosophy of social sciences, and doing philosophical reflection and knowledge integration to increase knowledge and quality of academic researches. The cross-strait economic and trade issues with highly complex features, is an interdisciplinary studies.According to this study researcher also finds that the methodology of the research of the cross-strait economic and trade issues can be divided into "generalized qualitative research" approach, including "thinking research" method and "qualitative research" method, and "generalized quantitative research" approach, including "mathematical logic" method and "quantitative research" method. Although from the meanings of the ontology, epistemology, methodology and research methods of four research methods in the studies may be different. However, the research of this study considers that the relevant methodology education and practical research should try to accept or integrate other research methods. It will be a better research approach. And it is good to provide a significant contribution in the studies of cross-strait economic and trade issues in the future. And, according to the sufficient research resources relevant study can inquire methodology by appropriately integrating different research methods, and doing positive or empirical study in the cross-strait economic and trade issues in the future.
