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篇名 實習環境知覺、實習滿意度與生涯自我效能的關係探討一大同技術學院餐飲管理系的個案研究
卷期 2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship among Practice Environment Perception, Internship Satisfaction and Career Self-Efficacy: The Case Study of Food and Beverage Management Department of Tatung Technology Institute
作者 何光明楊玲惠吳柏萱
頁次 157-178
關鍵字 環境知覺實習滿意度生涯自我效能environment perceptioninternship satisfactioncareer self-efficacy
出刊日期 201203


本研究以大同技術學院餐飲管理系參加校外實習三明治教學之應屆畢業班學生為調查對象,剔除無效問卷21份,有效問卷男性學生53份(47.3%)、女性學生59份(52.7%)合計112份,其中二技學生39位(34.8%)、四技學生73位(65.2%)。本研究皆在透過實證方式,探討大同技術學院餐飲管理系學生之校外實習環境知覺對實習滿意度及生涯自我效能的關係,並據以提出具體的量化數據與建議,作為未來推動校外實習制度之參考。在本研究樣本結構中有近10 %的學生,經過實習後決定不再從事餐飲相關行業,此種現象值得學生、學校及業界正視問題的嚴重性。研究驗證學生之「校外實習環境知覺」高度影響「校外實習滿意度」;「校外實習滿意度」會直接影學生「生涯自我效能」;而校外實習環境知覺主要條透過校外實習學習滿意度的中介效果而間接影響未來生涯自我效能。同時,校外實習環境知覺觀察變項受實習單位提供職前訓練、實習生對本身的角色認知、實習生與同儕相互支援關係、實習單位的福利政策與薪資報酬、單位主管的指導及與實習生的領導關係正向影響;而校外實習滿意度觀察變數則受學生校外的實習環境、實習生與同儕的互動關係、學校所學在實習場所之應用、從實習中獲得成長、感受實習的工作價值及實習時對自己的工作表現正向影響。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among practice environment perception, internship satisfaction and career self-efficacy. A total of 133 questionnaires were collected from graduating students who had completed internship program. The numbers of effective returned questionnaires were 112(84.2%), including 73 samples from 4-year institute and 39 samples from 2-year institute. The relationships between practice environment perception, internship satisfaction and career self-efficacy were tested in this study by structural equation model (SEM).The analysis reveals that willingness to work in hospitality industry was not supported by ten percent of effective samples. A positive correlation is found between practice environment perception, internship satisfaction and career self-efficacy. Besides, internship satisfaction has a mediating effect on the relationship between practice environment perception and career self-efficacy.
